22 August 1994.
Yap twenty years ago, I was born in Jakarta-Indonesia. I'm the first daughter from my Father Deni Koeasdiana and my mother Sussy nurikafitri. I have one sister , her name is Kadinda Hanadifa.
Now, 22 August 2014. I'm 20 years old. I cant believe that I'm getting older now. I now, that I cant give anything for my family. I try my best every time. I use my time to make my family smile because of me. Even my friend say that I don't have much time to spend the time with them. Even I cant spend my time to hang out with them and I lost my friends a lot.
This is my way. I hope that I always health, to continue everything that I've choose.
I just want to write here that I've 20 now. And I promise..
I promise that I will give the best for my family.
I want to change my life to be better. better and better.
Now, I promise that after I graduate from Undip. I will continue my study to take master in another country with scholarship.
I don't care with hangout. I just think that I will get my future. Hope that 2 years later, my dream come true.
I promise.
Thanks God, You give me everything.
Thanks God, I'm 20 now :)
This is my way. I hope that I always health, to continue everything that I've choose.
I just want to write here that I've 20 now. And I promise..
I promise that I will give the best for my family.
I want to change my life to be better. better and better.
Now, I promise that after I graduate from Undip. I will continue my study to take master in another country with scholarship.
I don't care with hangout. I just think that I will get my future. Hope that 2 years later, my dream come true.
I promise.
Thanks God, You give me everything.
Thanks God, I'm 20 now :)